Today I had time to upgrade the Podverse Jenkins server. It had been running Ubuntu 22.04, but there had been some issues cropping up ever-so-often.

I spun up a new Digital Ocean Droplet, and went to work using the Ansible scripts I wrote to configure the last Jenkins server. There was some need for changes, and updates to the Ansible roles; but in the end the roles are working better than before.

Once the Droplet had been setup, I verified the version and proceeded to copy the /var/lib/jenkins directory from old to new. Since we’re using TailScale, NGINX and TLS are not necessary. Jenkins picked up as if nothing had happened and we’ll get the advantages of a newer OS and kernel.

I then moved the attached volume for mass storage over and updated the /etc/fstab by hand; that should be part of a role, even if it just creates commented out code.