Upgraded from Ubuntu 22.04 to Ubuntu 24.04
Home Lab Updates 01
All of the physcial servers have been patched.
There wasn an issue with one of the NVME drives in the nmir00 pool. It was taking a long time to come back on the reboot. After powering off the box and turning it on things came back.
Now the nix-bitcoion node is having issues. It used the nmir00 pool for some storage; including the LND server. After the nix-container being killed, it seems to have been reset and is working through things.
Home Lab Updates 00
Took some time to review how my various homeLab VM’s and containers were doing. I have moved some around and adjusted the resources of some.
I need to walk-thru the systems soon and get things up-to-date.
New Monitor Speaker
I got a new pair of speakers for the hamshack; the laptop speakers were lacking. I paired these speakers with a USB DAC that I had, and they sound pretty good…not as good a my JBL SP setup, but still good.
I do wish they had a real power switch and not a soft button but that is the standard.
I’m not sure if I want to get a powered bass for the space they are in.
Rebuild I thought that my issues with the blog would be as simple as rebuilding, but came to find out there were some changes. The site generator Hugo had deprecated some of my settings and that led to a several hour stint of trying to figure out what I had done and how to get it to work.
As proof that I did get things working, the site is running a new them and I’m posting using the self-hosted GiTea Act runner that was rebuilt.
Traffic Light Stopping
While driving I commonly see drivers stop well short of the marked stopping spot. This confuses me. Stopping short makes it harder for people to get queue and makes it so the sensor in the ground does not sense the car. This, I my opinion, makes the light take longer due to the fact the sensor has not been activated. I see this behavior at stop lights with and without red-light cameras.
Rack Studs
Rack Studs arrived.
Patch Cable
After a family LAN part, one of the patch cables would not come out of the Ethernet jack. Turns out the latching tab was bent and not working correctly; it was stuck. After getting plastic spudger to remove it, i decided that it should be fixed. I have the RJ-45 connectors, crimpers, and cheap tester.
This is still something I’m not good at, but after 30 minutes to get things together and work, it was fixed.
Let It Go
Decluttering life is a good thing.
Drive Caddy
3D printing parts sold online, saving money and shipping.