
in a world of wanting to get a deal, sometimes money must be spent…it looks shiny and well built
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gitea Workflows

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new Switch

Define your requirements and validate the product has what is in them, and one char matters.
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upgrading hardware?
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hacking Hugo Theme

I am continuing to learn about hugo, getting into the theme side to make the site look like I want. This time I have added a custom param and accompanying html so I can have images float right. In-line CSS will probably make many shudder, but for now in my newbness to hugo it will work.
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Thought process for new archetype
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20240207_code Server

Tools allow for clutter and discovery.
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Blogging where I am.
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thoughts on documentation for life…just initial thoughts.
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New Theme

Just a quick FYI stating the fact that the theme has changed.
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