Variables in Jenkins Pipelins

The power that the bash shell affords is hard describe and its familiarity makes the bash shell my go to for almost everything. But I’m continuing on the process of JP (Jenkins Pipelines). With that end, I need to have some variables defined at the beginning of the run and used throughout the entire job. Sometimes these variables will be defined in Groovy. Example 1 def var1 = 'hello world' node('master'){ stage('HW1'){ echo var1 } } output:
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Jenkins Pipeline round 1…with examples

Recently started to take them more seriously to see how much work it would be to take my current work flow and augment their power. Most of my jobs are bash scripts that make Jenkins a glorified cron job. Previously Jenkins was very rudimentary, e.g. I just recently started using Jenkins plug-ins for config injection and secret obfuscation. Now I’m trying to take those newly learned processes and add a whole new DSL on top.
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Let’s Ecrypt: bare metal OS

Reference for using certbot with nginx. cd /etc/certbot/ certbot renew -c ./conf.d/isntall-cli.ini certbot certonly -c ./conf.d/isntall-cli.ini certbot certonly --standalone -c ./conf.d/isntall-cli.ini
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fish cli gnome-keyring-daemon

Recently something has seemed to change in the way fish cli a gnome-keyring-daemon worked together, or didn’t work. Here is a quick function, not pretty, that seems to get these to work again. function gnome-keyring-daemon if test -n "$DESKTOP_SESSION" set -x SSH_AUTH_SOCK (gnome-keyring-daemon --start | awk -F= '{print $2}') end end
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