No more Gummiboot
With the advent of EFI, the Grub bootloader has become something that seems more trouble than it was worth. So I chose to use Gummiboot as my bootloader and all was well….until recently.
I decided to switch my AUR package maintaining software from yaourt to pacaur, main for a change of pace. This tipped me off on a couple things that I was unaware of, mainly that several of my AUR packages were orphaned and not being maintained. As I looked thru the list, I noticed that Gummiboot was among them. Dismayed I did some research to figure what had happened, turns out over the summer systemd had absorbed Gummiboot. Ouch, I’ve been running almost 6 months without updates to my bootloader.
Since the bootloader was now in systemd, I just need to remove the old bootloader and get systemd to take its place. My first attempt of bootctl update failed, and I went thru the process of creating a new ArchLinux USB. Once I did a bit more research, I tried bootctl install and all was well.
One note bootctl update needs to be ran more often since bootctl does not automatically update its conf on upgrade, or something like that.