Ever so often the need to create a password hash for a htauth file comes up. I then start the process of finding the cli command I need. These searches are usually less helpful than I want…..coming up with the correct search has been non-trivial.


Lang: bash
htpasswd -nb username password

man htpasswd synopsis:

Lang: bash

htpasswd [ -c ] [ -i ] [ -m | -B | -d | -s | -p ] [ -C cost ] [ -D ] [ -v ] passwdfile username

htpasswd -b [ -c ] [ -m | -B | -d | -s | -p ] [ -C cost ] [ -D ] [ -v ] passwdfile username password

htpasswd -n [ -i ] [ -m | -B | -d | -s | -p ] [ -C cost ] username

htpasswd -nb [ -m | -B | -d | -s | -p ] [ -C cost ] username password